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Unreal but true. AGBU Toronto located next to the Holy Trinity Armenian Church, will be sold on February 28, 2019 to Centennial College. This will have a serious impact on the day to day operation of the Church but more so cause irreversible damage to the Armenian character of the complex at the corner of Markham Rd. and Progress Avenue.

Should you care? Should anybody care when this year, the Holy Trinity Armenian Church will be celebrating its 90th anniversary under a dark cloud over the celebrations.


We care for the sake of our faithful. We care for our elderly who find comfort in our church. We care for our children’s Christian education. We care for the preservation of our language and heritage. We care for protecting our safe haven, our Church our little Armenia.

Yes, the sale of AGBU to a third party will threaten the sacrifices of your parents, your grandparents, the countless volunteer hours, the moral and financial support of past generations and current supporters.

Over three decades ago, the Holy Trinity Armenian Church in Toronto was built by donations from the community and we intend to keep our pledge to be the guardians of this church in honor of all our community members and in memory of those who have departed.

You can prevent this sale from happening by enabling the church to buy the AGBU property by January 29, 2019 and keep it in the hands of our community. Donate because you believe in the present and the future. Donate because our Church is stronger when we have the vision now to preserve what we have for the next generation. Donate because you have a say now.

Say yes to keep the AGBU centre in our family. SHOW YOU CARE.

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